Wednesday 25 July 2012

Robert Rogers on Lord Howe:

Fall 1757 - "we were continually employed in patrolling the woods between this fort (Fort Edward) and Ticonderoga. In one of these parties, my Lord Howe did us the honour to accompany us, being fond, as he expressed himself, to learn our method of marching, ambushing, retreating, &c. and, upon our return, expressed his good opinion of us very generously."
April 1758 - "I had a most agreeable interview (with Lord Howe), qnd a long conversation concerning the methods of distressing the enemy, and prosecuting the war with vivour the ensuing campaign."
The Advance on Ticonderoga - "As soon as it was light his Lordship, with Col. Broadstreet and myself, went down to observe the landing-place before the army...."
The Skirmish at Trout Brook (July 6, 1758) "By this time my Lord Howe, with a detachment from his front, had broke the enemy, and hemmed them in on every side; but advancing himself with great eagerness and interpidity upon them, was unfortunately shot and died immediately."
"This noble and brave officer being unversally beloved by both officers and soldiers of the army, his fall was not only most sincerely lamented, but seemed to produce an almost general consternation and langour through the whole.

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Hessian in the U.K.

 This portrayal is 2 years in the making. Von Donop 1776. By Marshall Beresford.  Very good. Check out his Facebook page here .